Outdoor Entertainment Spaces: Fall

The Perfect Season to Start Designing and Building

With the season of pumpkin-spiced lattes and the crunch of leaves under foot upon us, you might think that all talk of outdoor entertainment spaces would hibernate until spring. However, spending the cold months planning and building your outdoor entertaining areas can leave you more than ready for the warm days ahead.

Why Outdoor Spaces Are Trending
The recent uptick in at-home entertaining owes much of its raison d’être to changing lifestyles and priorities amidst social distancing protocols. The home has morphed into the new social hub – a place where we work, learn, relax and, most importantly, connect with our loved ones. Consequently, interest in outdoor entertainment spaces, such as patios, decks, and outdoor kitchens, has skyrocketed.

Benefits of Starting in Fall
Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you should put your outdoor project on ice. On the contrary, designing and building in the fall offers several advantages:

Less competition
Starting your project in the fall means that you are likely to face less competition than in the spring or summer. The reduced demand may lead to better prices and quicker project completion times.

Perfect Timing
Building your outdoor entertainment space in fall and winter ensures that, come spring and summer, you are ready to host the season’s first barbecue or pool party, instead of being in the throes of construction chaos.

Effective Landscaping
Planting trees and plants in fall gives them time to establish their roots in the cooler soil, which may lead to more effective landscaping.

Ideas for Your Fall Outdoor Entertainment Project
When it comes to planning your outdoor entertainment project, some of the top trends to consider for 2023-24 include:

Alfresco Kitchens: As gastronomy goes outdoor, full-scale kitchens with barbecues, wine coolers, and pizza ovens are becoming an entertaining staple.
Fire Pits and Fireplaces: These cozy features extend the outdoor entertaining season further into the chillier months.
Outdoor Cinema: Everyone loves a movie night, and an outdoor cinema can turn your backyard into the coolest spot in town.

As the idea of entertaining continues to move from restaurants and bars onto our doorsteps, the allure of curated outdoor entertainment spaces has never been stronger. By starting now, you can ensure that your home will be entertainment-ready come sunshine.